You need assistance at sea? Call 0966 112 112!

Going to emergency assistance

Emergency Call Procedures

When human lives are at stake, the call for help at sea must be directed to the national search and rescue services, which will proceed according to established rules and procedures and send help as soon as possible.

If you have first called the EmergenSea network in such cases, you have not made a mistake! We will handle the formal call to the SAR service* for you and immediately start the intervention in coordination with Search and Rescue.

Important numbers you should have in your directory:

  • 0996 112 112: EmergenSea network Call Center number based in Zadar. We recommend calling this number as it will handle all necessary actions for you and be the first to arrive at your location. Tip: Save this number in your directory!
  • 195: The free phone number of the National Maritime Search and Rescue Center (MRCC Rijeka or SAR). If calling from a fixed or mobile network, simply dial 195.
  • 112: Center 112 operates as a unified communication center for all types of emergencies. You can call 112 at any time of day or night, regardless of where you are in Croatia. The phone call is free, and you can make it from all mobile and fixed networks and from all telephone devices by simply dialing 112. Your call will be forwarded to the national Search and Rescue center.
  • VHF channels 16: Harbor Master's Offices on channel 16 are on duty 24 hours a day. For assistance, call the nearest Harbor Master's Office. This is also the central channel from which all Ship to Ship calls are made.
  • Channel 17: Most marinas in the Adriatic operate on channel 17.

Why call EmergenSea HELP first?

In cases where intervention is needed, we recommend calling the EmergenSea network simply because you will receive help or delivery in the fastest possible time. The overload of calls to national services (especially in the summer months) can easily leave you waiting for a long time. The ES network will respond to your call and start the intervention as quickly as possible.

Tips during a call for help at sea:

  • Make your call for help to any service calmly and precisely, regardless of your stress level.
  • Tell the operator exactly where you are (read your position from the GPS or the navigation chart).
  • Then explain your problem as simply and concisely as possible.
  • If you have a life-threatening situation and have not contacted the national services (search and rescue or Harbor Master's Office), EmergenSea logistics will do it for you. If you have a GMDSS radio station, press the DISTRESS button. This way, you send a broad message. Do not touch this button unless it is an emergency.
  • Follow the operator's instructions until any of the mentioned services arrive.

If you have chosen to call the EmergenSea network for help, you will receive an ETA* for the arrival of the intervention vessel. When the vessel arrives, try to draw attention to our vessel, which you will easily recognize.

Important notes

  • EmergenSea is not a search and rescue service (participates in SAR actions for its own members and upon request from MRCC Rijeka) and operates on commercial principles.
  • When calling SAR or the Harbor Master's Office, be sure to mention that you are a member of the EmergenSea sea assistance network.

*SAR service is Search and Rescue
*ETA is the Estimated Time of Arrival






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