Croatian help & logistics at sea

Croatian help & logistics at sea
An initiative launched in 2008 by Alimar Skiper Sistemi d.o.o. from Croatia under the name EmergenSea, and since 2012 it has been supported by Seassist Srl. Italia emerged as a nenecessity for multinational association of charter companies, private boat owners, insurance companies, diving clubs, fishermen's associations and other nautical entities around the common problem of assistance and intervention in the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean. The franchise established itself as the one of the leading sea assist brands and developed into award-winning brand. The network consists of a group of professionals and sea enthusiasts working professionally and safely under a strict code of conduct with the primary aim to act as a partner to mariners and seafarers offering peace of mind whilst at sea. EmergenSea is actively involved in boat shows and marine event logistics such as regattas and sailing championships. We are also committed to promote safety, good practices and environmental awareness at sea.
Specially equipped fast boats, appropriate equipment, 24-hour on-call logistics and educated staff, is what makes  EmergenSea network a reliable partner when you need help at sea, rescue of property, delivery or escort.  For map of coverage for East Adriatic click on the map left. For full map of Mediterranean coverage click here.  

* The name EMERGENSEA is a registered trademark of the State Patent Office of Zagreb and the World Intellectual Property Organization of Geneva. The owner of the registered name is the Alimar Skiper Sistemi Ltd. from Zadar CROATIA.

Memorize our numbers, become a member and save the day!
 24/7 Call numbers:

Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro: +385 996 112 112
Italy:  + 39 0694 803 000
Malta: +365 7902 7903


Alimar Skiper Sistemi d.o.o.
Sv. Nikole Tavelića 64
23000 Zadar
tel: +385 23 335 300

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